FIRST CLASS FREE when you download the Sunshine Yoga Shack app.

A black background with seven different colored stones.
20-CECs for Yoga Alliance


In this training program:

Unlock the secrets of the chakras, including their origins and how they can be harnessed to benefit you. Discover all of this and more in this virtual training session. 

This training has three lectures, five yoga practices, two assignments, and one test.

When all training, including the test and assignments, are complete, you will receive your certificate for 20 CECs for submission to Yoga Alliance from Lead Teacher Lynn Rozak.

A person is standing in the chakras of their body.
Chakra Lecture One

In this lecture we learn a breif  hstory of the Chakras, what they represent, and how they effect our physical body, our behavior, and our energy.

A person is standing in the chakras of their body.
Chakra Lecture Two

In this lecture we break down the deatils of the seven major chakras.

A person is standing in the chakras of their body.
Reading Chakras

Using a pendulum we explore see if a  chakras is open, closed, or blocked. Also, we explore how to unblock them. 

A red and white logo with the name of an individual.
Root Chakra Practice

This is a yin yoga class which is slow moving on the floor with Yoga Nidra and Sound Healing meditation.

A yellow and orange logo for just yoga sacral.
Sacral Chakra Practice

This is a Hatha Yoga class designed to move the fluid energy of the sacral chakra. 

A yellow and orange logo for just yoga sacral.
Solar Plexus Practice

This is a vinysas power yoga practice designed to burn away blockeges in your sense of will. 

A yellow and orange logo for just yoga sacral.
Heart Chakra Practice

This is a Hatha yoga practice designed to open your heart and feel self love.

A yellow and orange logo for just yoga sacral.
Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Practice

This is a yin yoga, yoga nidra, and sound meditation practice designed to connecgt you to your higher self.

Assignment 1: 

Complete a 15-minute chakra meditation focusing on each of the seven major energy centers. Notate what feels right and what feels not right.

Assignment 2: 

Get a partner and a pendulum, read your chakras, and read your partner’s chakras. Notate what you discover. 


After you complete your Test please email [email protected] for your certificate.