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History of Yoga

AT100 The Art of Teaching YOGA

Our 200-hour training program offers aspiring yoga teachers the opportunity to learn the fundamental principles of teaching yoga. Our program is designed to give you the knowledge, skills, and confidence to lead a yoga class successfully.

The comprehensive curriculum gives you an understanding of why yoga works and how to share it with others. Not only will you gain an in-depth understanding of each topic, but you will also deepen your personal practice and understand yoga on the deepest level.

Sunshine School of Yoga’s 200-Hour Teacher Training Program focuses on two 100-hour modules, which can be taken in any order: 

The Art of Teaching Yoga & The Science and History of Yoga

Sunshine School of Yoga takes you back to yoga’s roots, explores its rich history, and brings you forward to understand what we know about yoga today. 

Yoga Alliance designates these Teacher Training programs that meet or exceed the Yoga Alliance Standards.    

The Art of Teaching Yoga: A 100-Hour Module

Five 20-Hour Chapters

  • 4 Yoga Class Logs per Chapter
  • 1 Hour of Meditation per Week (4 per chapter) with Journaling
  • 1 Homework Assignment per Chapter
  • One Test per Chapter

The Science and History of Yoga: A 100-Hour Module

Five 20-Hour Chapters

  • 4 Yoga Class Logs per Chapter
  • 1 Hour of Meditation per Week (4 per chapter) with Journaling
  • 1 Homework Assignment per Chapter
  • One Test per Chapter

A One-Hour Teach-Back

One Essay, “What Does Yoga Mean to Me?”

The Art of Teaching Yoga

Chapter 1 Your Presence as a Yoga Teacher

  • Welcome & Introduction
  • Chapter One
  • Holding Space
  • Segmenting Your Class
  • Sacred Space
  • Presence and Voice
  • Sun Salutations
  • Class Type
  • Homework

Welcome & Introduction

“Yoga is 99% practice and 1% Theory.”

K. Pattabhi Jois

We will use this as our mantra for our training and everything that comes after. It is only possible to understand yoga with a dedicated practice of yoga.

“Practice and all is coming,” also Jois

An introduction to yoga workshop

1-1 Chapter 1
1-1 Chapter 1

The meaning of holding space.

1-2 Chapter 1
1-2 Chapter 1

Your presence as a Teacher.

1-3 Chapter 1
1-3 Chapter 1

The Power Practice

1-4 Chapter 1
1-4 Chapter 1

Finding your voice

1-5 Chapter 1
1-5 Chapter 1

Sun Salutations

1-6 Chapter 1
1-6 Chapter 1

Sacred Space Teach Backs

Homework Explanation and Examples

You will have one homework assignment and four yoga classes to take and document each chapter. 

Chapter 2   

  • Sequencing 
  • Theming     
  • Yoga Nidra    


Test on Chapter 1, Review, Questions, and Feedback.

Chapter 2 - 2
Chapter 2 – 2

Teaching Methodology

Chapter 2 - 3
Chapter 2 – 3

Class Sequencing

Chapter 2 - 4
Chapter 2 – 4

Round Robin Ques and Sequencing

Chapter 2 - 5
Chapter 2 – 5

Power Class Themeing

Chapter 2 - 6
Chapter 2 – 6

Building a class and stick figures

Chapter 2 - 7
Chapter 2 – 7


Chapter 3

  • Teaching to Special Populations
  • Senior and Chair Yoga
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • Yoga and Mental Health

Chapter 3 - 1
Chapter 3 – 1

Test Chapter 2 and Review

Chapter 3 - 2
Chapter 3 – 2

Seniors Yoga

Chapter 3 - 3
Chapter 3 – 3

Seniors Class

Chapter 3 - 4
Chapter 3 – 4

Teach Backs

Chapter 3 - 5
Chapter 3 – 5

The Power Practice

Chapter 3 - 6
Chapter 3 – 6


Chapter 3 - 7
Chapter 3 – 7

Yoga and Mental Health

Chapter 3 - 8
Chapter 3 – 8

Sun C Teach backs

Chapter 4

  • Coming Soon

Chapter 4 Coming Soon
Chapter 4 Coming Soon

Homework Chapter 4

Coming Soon

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Coming Soon
Chapter 5 Coming Soon

Homework Chapter 5

Coming Soon   

This completes The Art of Teaching Yoga module.
If you have completed The Science and History Module please email
[email protected]   

If not, continue to your second module.
