Merry Shackmas, a Christmas Story...
’Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Shack,
Not a yogi was stirring, the mats were all stacked.
The aerial silks were hung with great care,
In hopes that Levitating Lynn soon would be there.
The candles were flickering, the sound bowls in place,
Creating a sanctuary, a calming, safe space.
The scent of sage lingered, the Reiki so sweet,
As Carrie prepared for a healing retreat.
Melissa led flows with a strength full of cheer,
As Te’ spun spins in the aerial sphere.
Jessica held poses so graceful and strong,
Her laughter like music, inspiring the throng.
Brandi shared her wisdom, her light shining bright,
Guiding her students to breathe and take flight.
Mallory balanced, both grounded and free,
Teaching to honor each moment’s journey.
The Shack was alive with intention and love,
With blessings of yoga sent high up above.
Spinning and stretching, connecting with soul,
Each teacher a guide, making students feel whole.
From vinyasa to yin, aerial to sound,
Peace and alignment were perfectly found.
The laughter, the joy, the bond in the air,
Sunshine Yoga Shack is beyond compare.
Then out on the mat there arose such a clatter,
Kayla sprang from the silks to see what was the matter.
To the window she flew, her balance so steady,
Her heart full of yoga, her spirit light-ready.
The moon on the glow of the soft wooden floor,
Lit up the studio like never before.
When what to her wondering eyes should appear,
But a sleigh full of mats and eleven yogis near.
With a yogi-like driver so lively and quick,
She knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his poses they came,
And he chanted and called every yogi by name:
“Now Mallory! Now Carrie! Now Brandi, Jordan and Te!
On Jessica! On Micki, On Katelyn, Kimberly and Melissa! Oh Shawn—can’t you see?
To the top of the hammocks, to the top of the wall,
Now float away, breathe away, stretch away all!”
As leaves in the breeze swirl and take flight,
The yogis ascended into the night.
And down to the Shack, St. Nick made his way,
Leaving gifts of renewal for the next yoga day.
He spoke not a word but went straight to his task,
Filling each corner with love that would last.
With a twinkle of joy and a radiant glow,
He left with a whisper, “Namaste,” soft and low.
And Lynn heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight,
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukka from your Yoga Family at Sunshine!
2025 Yoga Teacher Training $1795 Early Bird Price