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proper planking

Proper Planking

Sunshine Yoga Shack is bursting with energy and is filled with both new and seasoned yogis exploring their practice. One of the fundamental poses we often return to is Plank Pose. Let’s learn how to plank properly. So let me ask you: How do you feel about plank? Love it? Dread it? Question if you’re doing it correctly. Let’s break it down together.

The Origins of Plank in Yoga

When we talk about Power Yoga or Vinyasa Yoga, we’re referring to a dynamic, strong style of yoga that finds its roots in Ashtanga Yoga. In Ashtanga, there are a series of Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) that include a familiar flow: High Plank (Phalakasana), Low Plank (Chaturanga Dandasana), Upward-Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana), and Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana). Many yoga studios refer to this sequence as simply “a vinyasa,” though in truth, a vinyasa is any intentional sequence of postures linked with breath.

The Evolution of Low Plank (Chaturanga Dandasana)

If you’ve ever watched older yoga videos, you may notice a common cue for Chaturanga Dandasana: lowering the chest nearly to the floor while hovering, similar to a push-up. While this may look impressive, it has also led to many yoga-related shoulder injuries. Chaturanga is not a push-up but a controlled movement requiring stability and energetic alignment.

To safely transition from Phalakasana (High Plank) to Chaturanga Dandasana (Low Plank), we only bend the elbows halfway, keeping them close to the ribs, and engage the core and legs to maintain alignment. This adjustment builds strength in the shoulder girdle without unnecessary strain.

How Does It Feel?

  • Does your belly sag toward the floor? If so, engage your core or modify by lowering your knees.
  • Do your shoulders feel strained or painful? Check that your elbows are not flaring out, and keep them at a 90-degree angle in Chaturanga.
  • Do you feel a sharp pain in your wrists or shoulders? Pain is not “weakness leaving the body.” Pain is your body asking for attention. Modify as needed to protect your joints.

A Proper Plank Should be a Challenge

Yoga is about effort, awareness, and honoring where you are today. We work hard, we experience discomfort, but pain is a signal to pause and adjust. If Plank Pose causes pain, take your knees down, focus on form, and build strength gradually. With mindful practice, planking properly becomes a posture of empowerment rather than strain.

How do you feel about plank? Share your experience next time you’re in class—I’d love to hear your thoughts! See you on the mat.

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Sunshine Tribe,

It is that time again! Living Magazine’s 2025 “Best Of” Readers’ Choice Awards are accepting votes to recognize outstanding local businesses, including yoga studios in the Arlington & Mansfield area.


To support Sunshine Yoga Shack in winning the “Best Yoga Studio” category, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Voting Platform: Visit Living Magazine’s Best Of 2025 voting page.
  2. Select Your Community: Choose the “Arlington & Mansfield” area to find local businesses in that region.
  3. Navigate to the Yoga Studio Category: Locate the category for “Best Yoga Studio” within the list of options.
  4. Cast Your Vote: Enter “Sunshine Yoga Shack” as your choice for the best yoga studio.

Thank you for your vote, and thank you for being part of the Sunshine Family!

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