FIRST CLASS FREE when you download the Sunshine Yoga Shack app.

How do you feel? What makes you feel good? What makes you feel bad? What makes you feel proud? What makes you feel happy?Do you feel all of your feelings, or do you allow them to come and go without notice?
When we practice yoga, it’s not only about the poses. There is so much more to yoga than standing on your head. When we look deeper, we begin to study the eight limbs of yoga and yamas and niyamas. This week let’s look at self-study or svadhyaya.
When we feel lost, stressed, or anxious, it may be due to confusion or misunderstanding of why we feel how we feel. One element of yoga asks us to take time to look at ourselves, our feelings, our authentic wants, and needs. When we study ourselves on our mat, we begin to have a deeper understanding of what we truly want and what will truly make us happy, content, and satisfied with our life. When we know what we want, we can go and get it! Feeling all of our feelings can transform us and our lives. The pursuit of happiness is what we are all working towards after all.
What makes me feel proud? Watching all of the showcase prep at the studio this time of year. We have so many of our members working to create beautiful expressions of themselves using aerial art. Every time I watch a performance for practice, it takes my breath away. I feel all the feels when I think about each performer’s journey.
Our Halloween Bash and Sixth Annual Aerial Showcase is coming! Buy your ticket now with the link below. October 22nd at Reds Roadhouse in Kennedale. Check out all the details at
Our Showcase is a big party with entertainment from our aerial students and teachers. It is a great time for the whole family. This year we offer a World of Pure Imagination. We will have 23 acts to amaze and astound you. This party will have food trucks, cocktails, a $100 cash prize, and a trophy for the best costume—also, a $100 to whoever finds the Golden Ticket. When the performances are done, we will turn it up for Kerry Freeman, fresh from recording his first Nashville Album at the after-party. Check out Kerry Freeman on Spotify here.

We have transitioned to live classes which you book from our app. Booking the classes is super easy through the SUNSHINE YOGA SHACK app. (you can download it from your app store or at the bottom of this email). Once you book a class, go back to the app and go to class. It looks and sounds great. You can cast it to your TV, and you can go back to the class later to re-watch it. Also, that day, the video will upload for on-demand videos giving us a more robust library of classes. Please catch a virtual class this week and give me your feedback at [email protected] . Live and On-Demand classes are included in your membership for no charge.

Love and Light,