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The Best is Yet to Come!

best is yet to come

It was an incredible moment when we learned that Fort Worth Magazine voted Sunshine Yoga Shack the best yoga studio in Fort Worth.

The Love of a Mother

mother love

There is something special about the touch of a mother. It is comforting, reassuring, and healing.

Profound Effects of Being in Your Prime

profound prime

Some people reach their prime in high school, or so I have heard. That was not true for me. In my mind, I am still striving to achieve the “prime season” of my life.

Strike a Yoga Pose. How important are Asanas?

Yoga Pose

This week we strike a pose at Sunshine. Asana is the third limb of yoga, according to the eight-limbed path outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. This eight-limbed path was designed to help practitioners reach enlightenment through mindful living, self-discipline, and meditation. It is considered the third limb because it follows Yama (ethical restraints) and Niyama […]

Emotional Intelligence.


How do you feel? My favorite question to ask after a yoga class. 100% of the time everyone feels better after a yoga class. I hope you are joining me on the New Year Reset. Last week we explored the first limb of yoga with Yamas, or Social Intelligence. This week we move to the […]

Hit Reset!

A woman sitting in front of some bowls

Guess who’s back at the studio this week? This girl! I am feeling good, and I am ready to hit the reset button on my body and my life. At the end of November, I had a complete hysterectomy, and I have spent the last month healing. Over the next few weeks, I will use the […]