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Becoming a certified yoga teacher is an exciting prospect for many. But what does it take to become certified, and is it worth the time and money invested? Let’s explore the basics of yoga teacher training and why you should consider getting your 200-hour certification.

What is Yoga Teacher Training?

Yoga teacher training (or YTT) is a process in which aspiring yogis learn how to teach yoga classes properly, understand different styles of practice, practice techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises, learn anatomy and physiology, study yoga philosophy and history, develop effective teaching skills, and more. The most common certification is a 200-hour program offered by accredited schools. After completing this coursework, students are eligible to register with the Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT).

Why Should You Take YTT?

Getting certified allows you to become a professional yoga instructor who can teach at studios or other venues. It also gives you the confidence that comes from having completed rigorous coursework in all aspects of teaching yoga safely and effectively. Additionally, becoming certified opens up other opportunities, like leading retreats or workshops. And lastly, if you’re just looking for personal growth or want to deepen your understanding of the practice of yoga itself, taking YTT can be immensely beneficial.

In today’s increasingly competitive world of online health and wellness services, having a certification can be beneficial for distinguishing yourself from other instructors who aren’t certified. Plus, having an RYT designation on your resume will help make sure potential clients know that you have put in the work necessary to become an experienced teacher. On the flip side though, experience and years of yoga practice aid in your understanding of yoga.

Becoming a certified yoga teacher requires dedication and hard work – but it can be worth it! A 200-hour certification will give you the confidence that comes from knowing that you have completed comprehensive coursework in all aspects of teaching safe but effective classes. Plus, being able to list ‘RYT’ after your name helps potential clients trust that you have put in the extra effort required to become an experienced instructor. Ultimately though – whether you decide to take YTT or not – investing in yourself by continuing education is key! Good luck!

Sunshine School of Yoga has virtual teacher trainings, in person teacher trainings and hybrid options for becoming a Registered Yoga Teacher. We are a Registered School with Yoga Alliance.