FIRST CLASS FREE when you download the Sunshine Yoga Shack app.

This week we begin to understand the mysteries of Chakras and how yoga can help balance them. Yoga is more than just exercise but more of a holistic practice that helps us balance the energies that flow within us. A fundamental aspect of yoga is the concept of chakras, which are subtle energy centers that exist within our bodies. They are often called the body’s energy wheels and play an important role in our physical and emotional health. Let’s uncover the mysteries surrounding chakras, discover the origin of this ancient practice and find out how yoga can help you attain balance and harmony within.

What are Chakras?

We have seven main Chakras or energy centers in the body that regulate physical, emotional, and spiritual states. Each energy center is located along our central axis, starting from the base of the spine and extending up the head. The seven chakras are linked to specific organs, emotions, and behaviors. They are an integral part of yoga and have been used for thousands of years for healing purposes.

The Origins of Chakras

The concept of chakras is believed to have originated in India over 5000 years ago. The earliest mention of chakras can be traced back to ancient texts such as the Vedas and Upanishads. The ancient sages of India believed that the human body is made up of energy that flows through various channels or nadis, which intersect at points, forming chakras. Each of the seven main chakras is associated with a particular quality or element, such as earth, water, fire, air, ether, light, and thought.

Yoga is a practice of moving energy. We use movement through the poses or asanas and breath work or pranayama to help to activate and balance the chakras. Practicing yoga regularly helps to increase the flow of energy through the chakras, creating balance and harmony within the body. By paying attention to your breath, practicing the appropriate asanas, and feeling the body, you can release blockages, improve energy flow, and raise your vibration.

  1. The root chakra, or Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the element of earth. It represents our foundation and grounding. The root chakra governs our sense of security, stability, and survival instincts. When the root chakra is balanced, we feel secure, grounded, and connected to the earth. When unbalanced, we may experience fear, anxiety, and a sense of disconnection from our bodies.
  2. The sacral chakra, or Svadhishthana, is located in the lower abdomen and is associated with the element of water. It pertains to our creativity and sexual energy. The sacral chakra governs our emotions, sensuality, and pleasure. When the sacral chakra is balanced, we are expressive, creative, and sexually fulfilled. When unbalanced, we may experience a sense of emotional detachment, lack of creativity, and low libido.
  3. The solar plexus chakra, or Manipura, is located in the upper abdomen and is associated with the element of fire. This energy wheel represents our personal power, self-esteem, and confidence. The solar plexus chakra governs our willpower, courage, and self-discipline. When the solar plexus chakra is balanced, we feel confident, motivated, and in control of our lives. When unbalanced, we may experience low self-esteem, indecisiveness, and lack of motivation.
  4. The heart chakra, or Anahata, is located in the center of the chest and is associated with the element of air. It represents our capacity for love, compassion, and forgiveness. The heart chakra governs our emotional balance, relationships, and ability to connect. When the heart chakra is balanced, we experience deep love, compassion, and kindness toward ourselves and others. When unbalanced, we may experience feelings of loneliness, bitterness, and resentment.
  5. The throat chakra, or Vishuddha, is located in the throat region and is associated with the element of ether. This energy wheel represents our ability to communicate our truth. The throat chakra governs our self-expression, communication, and creativity. When the throat chakra is balanced, we confidently and openly express ourselves without fear of judgment. When unbalanced, we may experience difficulty in expressing ourselves, leading to unsaid words and conflicts.
  6. The third eye chakra, or ajna, is located in the center of the forehead and is associated with the element of light. It represents our intuition and spiritual connection. The third eye chakra governs our perception, imagination, and self-realization. When the third eye chakra is balanced, we trust our intuition, and our perception is clear. When unbalanced, we may experience confusion, lack of purpose, and not trust our intuition.
  7. The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is located at the top of the head and is associated with the element of thought. It represents our spiritual connection and divine consciousness. The crown chakra governs our understanding of our place in the world. When the crown chakra is balanced, we experience enlightenment, and our connection to the divine is clear. When unbalanced, we may experience a lack of purpose, confusion, and a lack of spiritual connection.

Understanding and balancing our energy and chakras can help bring balance and harmony to our lives. Knowing how the seven main chakras are interconnected and their impact on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being is crucial in enhancing our overall health. Yoga allows us to connect with ourselves deeper, leading to self-realization and harmony.

Studio News!

We have the permit, and construction is underway at the new studio location at 127 North Main Street in Historic Downtown Mansfield. Viridian Roofing and Construction will work hard to bring us a beautiful space to practice.

Intro to Aerial

Are you curious to try Aerial Yoga for the first time or want to establish a solid foundation in this unique practice? This workshop is designed to give you a clear foundation of Aerial Yoga while having lots of fun! 

Intro to Aerial will take you to new heights with yoga asanas practiced with the suspension of the aerial hammock. Class is structured for those new to aerial yoga and who want to feel the stretch and benefits of yoga with the support of the silk holding you up. 

Class includes a warm-up, a guided sequence of asanas in the silk, and is followed by a floating Savasana and sound bath.

Summer Solstice Sound Bath

Join Mallory for this 90-minute Summer Solstice class celebrating our inner power and light. We will start out with a yin yoga practice allowing the body to release and settle into our yoga nidra meditation. Then we will enjoy the sounds of the therapeutic crystal bowls.

Sound therapy is based on the idea that every part of your body creates a vibration that resonates in a certain way. Sound healing works by sending sound waves throughout the body, helping restore balance at a cellular level. During sound meditation, the client starts out in a beta state (thinking), then starts to move into an alpha state (passive), and finally into a theta-deep relaxation state.

The benefits include nervous system restoration, better sleep, increased brain wave frequency, and decreased stress and anxiety. Feel free to bring blankets, pillows, essential oils, or anything else to make your practice more comfortable.

All levels are welcome! Mallory Green Spielman is an RYT 200 Certified Sound Bath Practitioner, Aerial Yoga Instructor & Reiki Master. 

Sunshine School of Yoga

Aerial Yoga Teacher Training

Did you know you can book your in-person Aerial Yoga Teacher Training today? You could also take a virtual Aerial Yoga Training at home or anywhere you choose.

Join Lynn for this 25 Hour Teacher Training to certify you to teach Aerial Yoga. This is a stand-alone certification for aerial yoga and is open to anyone willing to learn. You must have a passion for Aerial Yoga. We will learn and apply yoga basics and fundamentals to aerial practice. You will receive unlimited classes at Sunshine for 30 days when you pay in full for this certification. Our Virtual Aerial Training is available now with this link.

300-Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

Are you interested in advancing your skill set as a yoga teacher? A 300-hour yoga teacher training is an advanced program for aspiring yoga teachers who have already completed a 200-hour training course and strive to know more.

Sunshine School of Yoga’s 300-Hour Training Program is designed to advance the basic level of knowledge presented at most 200-hour yoga teacher training programs. We will tap into what you love about teaching yoga and enhance your skills and all areas.

Sunshine School of Yoga is a Register School with Yoga Alliance and is Accredited with 200 Hour and 300 Hour Certifications Requirements. You will be able to advance your designation with YA upon completion of this training program.

We have broken out our 300-Hour Training into three different 100-Hour Certifications.

The Body of Yoga, The Mind of Yoga, and The Spirit of Yoga

Each module can be taken in person or online exclusively, or a hybrid of both. These modules are designed to be taken together in one 300-hour training course or for continuing education; on their own.

200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Aug 2023-May 2024 Yoga Teacher 200-Hour Training & Certification is Open for Registration!

If you are looking to teach yoga or deepen your yoga practice, join Sunshine on this Life-Changing Journey. Sunshine School of Yoga 200 Teacher Training Program will focus on the science of yoga and the art of teaching yoga. We will explore posture, breath work, mindful meditation, and the science behind it.

We will move deeper to understand anatomy, the benefits of movement, Yoga history, and an exploration of the eight limbs of yoga.

If you cannot make it in person, our 200-Hour Training has virtual Certifications available to start today!

Virtual 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Sunshine

Are you an online learner? Study with Sunshine School of Yoga from your home. Our fantastic 200-hour training program is ready for you to start today. This self-paced training program can be taken from your phone, tablet, or computer and even cast to your smart tv. The 100% virtual format is verified through Yoga Alliance, and you will receive your designation and ability to register with yoga alliance after completing all coursework.

You can sign up now for 100% in-person or 100% virtual Aerial Teacher Training. We have Aerial Training coming in June, or you can take our accredited virtual aerial training now. Also, Reiki training and attunements have registration open as well. Check out all the details at https://sunshineyogashack.com/school-of-yoga/.

Reiki Training and Attunements

WHAT IS REIKI? Reiki is the art of conducting life force energy for healing and raising vibrations in the body. Reiki helps us shed old layers of conditioning and releases trapped energy in the body to help us connect to ourselves at a deeper level. A Reiki treatment helps you move trapped energy to heal the energetic body.

Reiki Level One Attunement will help you open your body and heal yourself using your own energy. Reiki Level Two Attunement will open your energy to heal others with Reiki energy. Master-level Reiki Attunements are offered by private session only.

To schedule a treatment, send Lynn an e-mail.

Book your classes this week in the studio or online. If you don’t have the Sunshine Yoga Shack app, download it from your app store and book classes today. Living Magazine has voted us the best yoga studio three years in a row. Come and see why.

Love and light,
