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Profound Effects of Being in Your Prime

profound prime

Some people reach their prime in high school, or so I have heard. That was not true for me. In my mind, I am still striving to achieve the “prime season” of my life.

Going Deep with Pratyahara, the 5th Limb of Yoga

Pratyahara Warrior 2

This week we move our practice from the outside world to the inside world beneath the surface. Many people practice yoga, often without fully understanding the eight limbs of yoga. Pratyahara, the fifth limb, is an important step in achieving higher consciousness and inner peace. Pratyahara is a Sanskrit word that literally translates to “withdrawal from the senses”. It involves withdrawing your energy from external objects and turning inward to explore your own inner world.

Strike a Yoga Pose. How important are Asanas?

Yoga Pose

This week we strike a pose at Sunshine. Asana is the third limb of yoga, according to the eight-limbed path outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. This eight-limbed path was designed to help practitioners reach enlightenment through mindful living, self-discipline, and meditation. It is considered the third limb because it follows Yama (ethical restraints) and Niyama […]

Let’s do this!

He who hesitates is lost… these words of wisdom from my mother ring in my head often while I procrastinate. We celebrate and slow down during the last few weeks of the year. The world seems to pause. That time is over, and it is time to gear up for the New Year.   Often […]

Peace on Earth.

Peace on Earth and Happy Holidays from all of us at Sunshine Yoga Shack. No matter how you celebrate the holidays, you are sure to spend time with family and friends. Everyone is a little kinder and full of holiday cheer this time of year.Yoga is a practice of peace. Finding peace within ourselves and […]

Hard work really pays off!

Hard work really pays off. We are so proud to celebrate our newest 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Certified graduates. They started their journey to become yoga teachers last January. They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Little by little, you make progress. Before you know it, you can look back […]

Hidden Treasure!

Hidden treasure. When we arrived at the Sleeping Giant Jungle Lodge in Belize, we asked about any waterfalls we could find on the property. We were told no big waterfalls would be found. Eric, my husband, and I were surprised to find this beauty on a hike through the jungle. The truth is, this waterfall […]

It takes a village.

It takes a village. We have all heard this saying before. Never is it more true than at the studio. What is it about Sunshine Yoga Shack that makes you feel welcomed, safe, and comfortable when you come in? First of all, it is the way yoga makes you feel. No one ever felt worse […]

Let’s talk about it.

Let’s talk about it. You know, the things we don’t want to talk about. On the 29th, I am having surgery and will be out for recovery for four to six weeks. Two years ago, I began developing uterine fibroid tumors, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis. The last six months have been pretty rough, and a […]