When do you feel satisfied?

When do you feel satisfied? Do you notice when you have had enough? It could be enough food, enough drink, enough sleep or exercise. This week is Thanksgiving and a common practice is to over eat, over indulge or over stimulate ourselves with activities. This week is a great opportunity to practice mindfulness. Paying attention […]
Balancing the seasons.

Feeling the chill this weekend? The seasons play an important part in our energy and our life. This week at Sunshine School of Yoga we discuss the sister science of yoga. We learn how to find balance in our life, no matter what is happening in the world around us. Simple changes in habit, diet, […]
We gather!

November is here, and we gather. We gather together for gratitude. When I started the studio, my goal was to create a space where everyone would feel at home and welcomed. A place where people could explore their breath, their bodies, and their minds without judgment or feeling left out. As the years have passed, […]
How do you measure success?

How do you measure success? My Dad would always say, “I am rich in love”. I was feeling his sentiments last night at our Aerial Showcase. The best part about the showcase is sitting back and watching all of the performers come alive with magic.The event was a success with over 240 people in attendance, […]
All a buzz with energy!

This week we are all a buzz with energy as we polish the finishing touches to our Aerial Showcase and Halloween Bash. If you have waited until the last minute to get your tickets, today is the day! The price is still only $30 dollars, per person, until Friday at noon. After that, tickets are […]
Celebrate life!

We get so busy and focused on our life that we forget to celebrate the everyday. My man took me dancing last night, something we used to do on occasion, but have not done in many years. We let the darkness of busy cage us in and rob us of fun. We get so busy […]
Finally, it’s spooky season!

Finally, it’s spooky season. A chill is in the air, even if it’s only in the morning. We long for our sweaters and pumpkin spice and are getting ready for the holiday transition. Let me ask you a question, what scares you?Do you know fear and excitement feel the same in the body? Your eyes […]
Practice and all is coming…

Practice and all is coming, are the words of K. Pattabhi Jois. These words of wisdom hold great weight and value. No matter the skill you are working on, you will always improve with practice. The more you practice, the more you train your mind and your body to develop a skill.During yoga on your […]
How do you feel?

How do you feel? What makes you feel good? What makes you feel bad? What makes you feel proud? What makes you feel happy?Do you feel all of your feelings, or do you allow them to come and go without notice?When we practice yoga, it’s not only about the poses. There is so much more […]
How do you measure progress?

How do you measure progress? In life, we get comfortable with the easy and hang out there. As we sink into comfort, we forget about progress. We are never really staying the same. Either we are moving forward toward the life we want, or we are moving backward. Our yoga practice can mirror life. We […]