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When do you feel satisfied?

A woman sitting on the ground in front of a tree.

When do you feel satisfied? Do you notice when you have had enough? It could be enough food, enough drink, enough sleep or exercise. This week is Thanksgiving and a common practice is to over eat, over indulge or over stimulate ourselves with activities. This week is a great opportunity to practice mindfulness. Paying attention […]

How do you measure success?

A woman in a costume jumping up into the air.

How do you measure success? My Dad would always say, “I am rich in love”. I was feeling his sentiments last night at our Aerial Showcase. The best part about the showcase is sitting back and watching all of the performers come alive with magic.The event was a success with over 240 people in attendance, […]

Practice and all is coming…

A girl is playing violin in the dark.

Practice and all is coming, are the words of K. Pattabhi Jois. These words of wisdom hold great weight and value. No matter the skill you are working on, you will always improve with practice. The more you practice, the more you train your mind and your body to develop a skill.During yoga on your […]