Room to Bloom Big – 5 Ways to Grow This Spring.

Bloom big this spring and expand your horizons. Growth is not always easy. In fact, it can be downright uncomfortable,
A Desire for Knowledge

Have you ever felt the desire for knowledge about something? Something you feel deep inside will transform your life for the better. Perhaps it’s yoga
A Leap of Faith

A leap of faith is any decision requiring you to go beyond your comfort zone and trust in the unknown. We have big news! BIG! In case you missed it
Profound Effects of Being in Your Prime

Some people reach their prime in high school, or so I have heard. That was not true for me. In my mind, I am still striving to achieve the “prime season” of my life.
The Perfect Pickle Palooza 2023

The Pickle Palooza 2023 and the Mansfield Pickle Parade, are a perfect way to spend time a beautiful spring Saturday. It also serves as a reminder of the
The Power of Attention, the last 3 limbs of yoga.

This week we explore the Dharana or concentration, Dhyana or meditation, and Samadhi or pure bliss. The last three limbs of the eight limbs of yoga.
Pura Vida Baby! Living your best life.

Greetings and Salutations from Costa Rica! We just returned from a teaching vacation and we learned all about living Pura Vida or living your best life!
Aerial Yoga – 6 Reasons to Soar in Your Yoga

Have you ever wanted to fly? Learn to fly with Aerial Yoga a hybrid practice with the elements of Yoga and the elements of flying as you are suspended in the air
Going Deep with Pratyahara, the 5th Limb of Yoga

This week we move our practice from the outside world to the inside world beneath the surface. Many people practice yoga, often without fully understanding the eight limbs of yoga. Pratyahara, the fifth limb, is an important step in achieving higher consciousness and inner peace. Pratyahara is a Sanskrit word that literally translates to “withdrawal from the senses”. It involves withdrawing your energy from external objects and turning inward to explore your own inner world.
The Yoga Practice of Pranayama – Just Breathe!

This week let’s look at pranayama, an ancient practice from the philosophy of yoga that focuses on controlling the breath and connecting with life force energy. It is often referred to as “breathwork” and is one of the eight limbs outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Though it may seem like a simple concept, pranayama has a deep and powerful impact on our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Let’s explore this fourth limb of yoga in more detail.