FIRST CLASS FREE when you download the Sunshine Yoga Shack app.

When do you feel satisfied? Do you notice when you have had enough? It could be enough food, enough drink, enough sleep or exercise. This week is Thanksgiving and a common practice is to over eat, over indulge or over stimulate ourselves with activities. This week is a great opportunity to practice mindfulness. Paying attention during our Thanksgiving feast will help us say when and enjoy all of the festivities the holidays will bring.
The science of Ayurveda tells us to fully enjoy all of our food. It helps us digest and assimilate all of the nutrients. Seeing our food and smelling our food begin the digestion process. Take time to chew your food until it dissolves in your mouth. This will slow down your meal and help your mind begin to understand when you sate your hunger.
Eat all of the colors of the rainbow or focus on the six tastes, sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent. When we get all of the nutrients we need our hunger is satisfied and we feel full.
Lastly, sit down! Honor yourself and your body by sitting down to eat. Eating our meals should be a ritual. We need time to see our food, smell our food, taste all of the flavors of our food, without being distracted. Sharing a meal with friends and family to enjoy conversation and community will also bring mindfulness to your table.
When we honor the ritual of eating, it can change our relationship with food. It can bring satisfaction to your appetite. Feeling full and satisfied will contribute to finding contentment in other areas of your life. That is something to be grateful for.
Join me the day after Thanksgiving for a special Black Friday practice. Part power, part yin and part yoga nidra. If you cannot make it into the studio it will live stream for free via our Sunshine Yoga Shack app. Book the virtual event on the app, at the time of class go to my schedule, select join class. You can cast to your TV, watch on your smart phone, tablet or computer.
Jessica will lead a workshop to help you be mindful during the holidays, using strength, stillness and sound. Check out more details below.
Wanna be a yoga teacher or just deepen your practice? Our 200 Hour Teacher Training begins in January with only four spaces available. Sign up today, as early bird pricing will end soon. This program is our hybrid version where training can be done 100% in person, 100% virtual or any combination that suits your lifestyle.
Our Aerial training is available in person or virtual as well. The launch date for virtual training will be December 15th and in person in June 2023.
For more information on any of our trainings go tohttps://sunshineyogashack.com/school-of-yoga/

Come and gather with us this month and book your classes today.

Love and Light,